
029CAS - We won the 'International architecture competition for the Casino project in Knokke-Heist'! In collaboration with Barozzi Veiga and Mosbach paysagistes

011KUN - We won the 'Open Oproep' competition for the art and exhibition site of Kortrijk! In collaboration with Barozzi Veiga and Koplamp Architecten.

015EVE - Tab Architects wins the competition for the new event hall and community centre of Diksmuide!

002HEN - Nice article in De Morgen Magazine about our interior realisation

014JOO - The international architecture magazine Bauwelt publishes our design for the Jewish Museum in its issue 2-2021

003STO - The new office building and production hall for Stone have been completed

014JOO - Full page article in De Standaard: "Jonge generatie zet verbouwing Joods Museum naar haar hand."

014JOO - We won the competition for the Jewish Museum of Belgium! In collaboration with Barozzi Veiga and Barbara Van der Wee Architects.

Tab Architects is selected for the competition for the extension of the library and the art academy at the Cultuursite in Diksmuide

004BRA - construction The View has started

Tab Architects is selected for the competition for a new event hall on the 'Boterhalle' site in Diksmuide

Tab Architects is selected for the competition for the transformation of the Jewish Museum Belgium
Tab Architects is selected for the Open Oproep competition Kunst- en Tentoonstellingssite Kortrijk i.c.w. Barozzi Veiga

Tab Architects selected as young promising architect by Stadsbouwmeester Gent

003STO — Construction project Stone has started

004BRA — Demolition Brandweersite has started

Best wishes for 2019!
002HEN — interior design apartment completed